Relaxing after the holidays

After Christmas and New Years, we took the opportunity to spend some quality time together as a family. Aside from hanging out at home, we also enjoyed going to the train museum (a major highlight for Katie), going over to friends' houses and playing at the mall. We had such a wonderful break that we're counting the days 'till summer!

Katie practicing driving a "Choo-Choo"; as you can
see in the next picture, she really loved all the controls.


One exhibit had phone receivers so you could hear a recorded
message; to Katie these two items together equaled heaven!

Checking out the dining car...

and it's real-life exhibit

Katie and Dada taking it all in

(Getting Katie to pose for a picture was impossible
with all the distractions around her)

Of course the best part was the toy trains

Daddy enjoyed helping Katie "experience" this exhibit

Katie and Mama looking at the dining car's kitchen

We had fun hanging out with our small group
friends, the Lepps and the Ricabals.

Katie also had a ball at their house. She loved playing
with the Lepp's daughter and all her toys

To beat the cold , we went to the Sunrise Mall and played at
their toddler playground (right in the middle of the mall!)

Katie had so much fun chasing all the other kids around

After the mall, we enjoyed a family lunch out (a rare treat!)

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